Download Temple Run 2 for Android Now!

Publié le par rachid-sefrioui

Finally, the long anticipated Temple Run 2 has been launched and made available on Google Play, a bit later than the iOS version, but just as cool and, of course, free of charge. This means that you have no excuse, especially if you are a fan of the genre, and you have to download Temple Run 2 right now! The game’s already hot in the Play Store and it’s the game to play right now!


The sequel to the popular Temple Run game, now available on Android, brings a lot of updates that we saw in more recent endless runner games, like the option to choose from multiple characters (that have to be unlocked first, of course), the chance to ride a cart and have a lot of fun with it, power-ups, upgrades and many more, turning this game, once more, into a must play title.

temple run 2

So if you loved the original, you totally have to play Temple Run 2, so head over to Google Play and download it for free! There’s even a bigger monkey to chase you and make things more entertaining. Don’t spank it, though!

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